Border Policy: Fact v. Myth

In mid-June I made this frustrated post on the internet:

With all the lies being streamed to justify family separation, it can be hard to keep hold of the truth. Yesterday, despite everything I’ve read, I had a moment of confusion about whether parents were being detained on criminal or misdemeanor charges.

Some reminders:
1) Seeking asylum is LEGAL.
2) Crossing the border between ports of entry is a MISDEMEANOR.
3) There is no law that requires family seperation. It is an unnecessary cruelty as of the “zero tolerance” POLICY issued in April.
4) Cruel and inhumane treatment of children and families for any reason is WRONG.
5) Unjust treatment of children and families for the purpose of sending a message of fear to others is WRONG.
6) Families belong together.
7) Children are not bargaining chips.

We are now one month on.

It’s mid-July, and (like many) I have continued to read and gather Continue reading “Border Policy: Fact v. Myth”

Big River, Furious River: The Rio Grande

“The slow, muscular tug of that fabled river, the Rio Grande.”
–Lauren Markham, The Far Away Brothers

Found Poetry:

Río Grande, Big River
‪Río Grande del Norte, Great River of the North
‪Río Bravo, Furious River
‪Río Bravo del Norte, Furious River of the North
‪Hañapakwa (Towa), Great Waters
Tooh Baʼáadii (in Navajo), Female River‬

Continue reading “Big River, Furious River: The Rio Grande”